Thursday 11 April 2013

Another day fencing at Gayndah

Another day clearing flood debris. This time on a small cattle property. Not much done here since the flood but between four guys & girls we got Irene's fence cleared of grass & branches.

I was happily clearing away when Jan said " Don't move Lesley". Which to me, immediately meant snake nearby so no way was I staying put. Anyway the small black wriggly snake or lizard obviously was getting out of there after we disturbed his home base. Luckily he was the only Jo Blake we saw all the day though I am sure there must have been more in the long grass.


Home cooked Anzac biscuits and savoury muffins for morning tea. So much for thinking I was going to lose weight working in the paddocks!

Georgia & Alexis

Georgia, aged 10 and 5' 8" cooked our bickies, Alexis, aged 13 and 6'1" cooked the muffins. The are being raised by their Grandma Irene whose husband has Parkinson's disease. After 2 floods taking out the fences she has a bit on her plate as a retiree.


We let the men move the big stuff. One fence was down & thought lost however we found it washed 20 mts. into the paddock. With the help of the tractor it was hauled back to its original place ready for the next fencing team to stand it back up. Three gates were removed from the large strainer posts, they were found in the long grass, cleared of debris & are ready for rehanging.

The "girls" Edna, Marg, Jan & me.

Fluffy keeping watch on the workers.


Jerry (neighbour with tractor) Lawrey & Tony (volunteers) & Irene (farm owner) discussing the days work. It's a good feeling at the end of the day to know you have made a difference. Irene is looking forward to getting the cattle back to her block.


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