Thursday 18 April 2013

Kayaking at Lake Maraboon, Fairbairn Dam, Emerald

After a weeks hard work it was time for some play on the dam at Lake Maraboon near Emerald. After not having had a paddle for awhile it still took a bit of muscle to get the kayak moving.

The dam holds about three times the amount of water of Sydney Harbour. The weather was nice & warm including the nights. A good little caravan park right on the water. Ideal for the many fisherman who make this place home for a month or more during the winter months. Redclaw (like yabbies) abound & daily catches on any part of the dam were always good for a feed.


We were lucky to find a little flock of pelicans amongst some submerged trees. There were lots of other birds as well. Night & morning the lorikeets flocked in for a free feed, seagulls have also made the dam home. Knowing nothing about birds we keep getting surprised at the varieties we see while travelling.



The skies were beautiful. We love heading west & getting these big skies that go on & on. Something is different about the big sky looking west instead of east.








As the sun starts to set over the dam!


After sunset.


As caravaners would know the "dump point" (dunny empty destination) is an essential part of the grey nomads tour in most towns or parks. This would be the most creative dunny dump we have been too yet. Love the humour at Lake Maraboon!




On that note .........


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