Wednesday 10 April 2013

Blazeaid at Mundubbera

Sitting back relaxing & recovering after another big day on the farm working for Blazeaid.

So well fed again last night by the local ladies. Can't beat that country cooking! What's for dinner tonight?

Tony, Douglas & Laurie raised & tightened the boundary fence we girls cleared of debris yesterday. This fence was flattened by the flood so we were all excited to see it standing again today. One job done & dusted.

Had a few new recruits join us last night & quite a few oldies leaving us tomorrow.

We girls finished some pruning & pulled the sprinkler heads off for cleaning this morning. This was a nice easy job for Robyn & I, and we appreciated the bit of a breather. Biggest job of the day was clearing some old wire trellises out of a pile of dirt & loading the cobweb of twisted wire onto a trailer. Robyn & I started, got the trailer stuck in a hole but with a lot if grunting finally got it where we wanted it. Called in the younger guns, Cindy & Denise to help out for some tough stuff & got all of the wire cleared from what will be a new garden.

Called it a day & had one very happy & appreciative farmer farewelling us. He now has a paddock cleaned, fenced & ready for replanting & installation of the salvaged irrigation pipes. Two days work with many hands & bringing Don closer to re- establishing his income from the market garden.


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