Sunday 14 April 2013

Goodbye Mundubbera

Well it's goodbye today to the folk at Blazeaid. We worked hard over the past week but what a good experience! We found the farmers a humble crew & very appreciative for the support they are getting from Blazeaid. All of them feel more could be done by locals especially the unemployed. Here here!!

The people who are volunteering are from all backgrounds & varying ages. The youngest we had was 38 & the oldest 75. There was a plumber, bus driver, welder, teacher, surveyer, preacher, legal eagle, ex RAAF & a couple of ex picture framers whose skills were real handy on a farm?

We had Paul, just out of drug & alcohol rehab, who was going well on coke & coffee. Lawrence, who worked for the Australian Embassy in his working years. And then we had Barry! Barry was of no fixed abode. He had two sets of clothes, a dirty set on & a dirtier set off - his words. He watches Nassar on the Internet but not TV. In his spare time he is building a spaceplane, not a spaceship as that would not have enough room to go to Mars as it will take 8 months to travel there. He plays guitar, writes music, recites poetry & writes stories. As you can only understand every 10th word he says as he rambles along I am sure there is a lot more to Barry. Despite the uniqueness of Barry he has got a farmers "donkey" engine up & running after travelling to & fro to Childers by bus for spare parts. Oh! A word of warning from Barry - don't eat chicken, especially KFC, you will catch bird flu.


So we are off on the next part of our adventure - farewell Mundubbera- I will miss the comraderie & the cooking.

Also Tony has been immortalised as a statue on a plynth as a symbol of Blazeaid volunteers!!


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