Thursday 25 April 2013

Winton to Clem Walton Park near Cloncurry.




Leaving Winton behind we headed out across grassy plains towards Cloncurry. The straw coloured grass and big open blue skies have a beauty of their own as they go on forever and meet on the horizon in a dusty haze.





Surprisingly after miles of plains some red coloured "jump ups" sprout from parched rocky ground. The area relies on the monsoon rains from the gulf in summer but this year the rains didn't eventuate.




We had been warned about the road trains but so far the roads have been good & the trucks, other than one white line lover, no problem. The biggest danger has been road kill. You will see a black patch in the distance which, as you get closer morph into a flock of hawks devouring their bloody feed. Eventually they leave their dinner for the sky & it is only then you tell on what side of the road is the carcas. Luckily we have been able swerve around the bloated bodies of mostly roos without having to play dodgems with oncoming traffic.


We stopped for a look at the Blue Heeler pub in Kyuna which also claims to be a site where Banjo Patterson first performed Waltzing Matilda. This pub was established in the 1860's as a stopover for Cobb & Co. The tradition continues with rooms available and a caravan park behind it.

The Walkabout pub made famous by Crocodile Dundee was down the road at Mckinley. Talk about wasted entrapenereal opportunity? The fake facade probably erected for the movie is more reminiscent of the USA Wild West. The pub, inside & out is painted dull pale grey.A few faded photos from the movie hang in the pool room which has a chrome & purple coin operated 1/2 size pool table as its feature. The bar has no memorabilia at all & other than a cold beer, thats is all that is on offer,not even a G'day. We couldn't believe that the opportunity to create an iconic outback pub on the main route to Darwin was missed!



After leaving the flat country for some rocky hillsides we found a beautiful overnight stop at the Clem Walton park opposite the Corella Dam wall. Other than three other campers all in the distance we had the place to ourselves. The sunset ( never get sick of those sunsets) was beautiful and a variety of birds, including black swans, pelicans, brolgas , ducks & other birds unknown, nested for the night on the small island in front of us. A magic night & it was free.



The country we travelled today was beautiful in its contrast, from the dry plains, rocky hills to the serene sunset on a man made lake.

Australia really is an amazing country.


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